Thursday 18 April 2013


Worked on Pelham Night of Arts today. I did some research into a grant from the Niagara Community Foundation. JoAnn Krick was most helpful. She sent me a copy of the application for a "mini grant".After reading the criteria, I decided this was best handled by a town employee that knows the ins and outs of the questions being asked.I also did some investigating into the Canadian Banking system regarding grants for the arts. This process is more complicated and will take time to research thoroughly. I think someone from the town that has banking experience would be able to use the correct jargon when approaching these institutions.

Finally, sent my web designer 3 more photo's of recent paintings to add to my website, They can be found quickly in the section devoted to New Work. One is called "Waiting". one is called "Strip Mining and the third is called"Vessels". I don't know about other artists and how they select names for their paintings, specially, non objective ones. I find it difficult sometimes to come up with a creative and appropriate title. On other occasions, the names just trip off the tip of ones tongue so to speak. Maybe, if one has music playing in the background as one looks at the painting trying to compose a title, it might jog the creative juices or cause the little grey cells to vibrate at a quicker rate and in so doing produce more inspired thought processes. I'll try it next time, when I have a brain freeze.

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