Thursday 11 April 2013


Experimenting with watercolour on canvas today. Great way to use up some of my older watercolour tubes. The colours are rich and lush. Must remember that less water works better as canvas doesn't absorb water like paper. Now waiting for the paint to thoroughly dry before proceeding with next layer.

While waiting for the watercolour paint to start drying, I pulled out a reference photo of three swans that was taken this winter. The swans were floating/swimming between small ice flows on the Niagara River. My best friends mom who will be 88 yrs, young this year, loves swans. I painted a mute swan from the Canadian Arctic for her. She called the painting "Maggie" and it hangs in pride of place above her sofa in her living room. You can see this painting if you go to my website www. go to the gallery lozenge and click, go to Animals and you will see "Maggie".  My best friend and her mom went to North Carolina to help her daughter in law who has MS and her granddaughter who has some special needs, while her son is serving overseas in the US Marine Core. I  think that I may paint the three swans for my friends mom. If it will make her happy - it will make me happy. I began the painting today. Played with some  analegous and tetriad colours - yellow orange, orange, and red orange swans anyone?? Ah well, there is an underpainting started. Yeah!

Are 4 swans, three too many? We'll see. Think I may call my friend.

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